Writing Guides

Use the links below to learn about common student writing concepts!

Annotated Bibliographies

An annotated bibliography is a list of sources that includes not only publication information, but also a brief summary, analysis, or evaluation of each source. This additional information is called an annotation.

This guide will walk you through the process of compiling an annotated bibliography. 

Common Research Assignments

There are several types of research writing genres students may come across in their academic careers. These genres can be similar, but they all have important differences in form, function, and purpose.

Use this guide to learn about different types of research writing as well as IMRAD structure and some quick tips and tricks.

Counter Arguments

One way to strengthen your argument and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the issue you are discussing is to anticipate and address counter arguments, or objections. 

This guide covers addressing others' arguments within your own writing to strengthen your case and improve your persuasive reasoning.

Cover Letters, Personal Statements, and Short Answer Essays

Job, educational, and scholarship applications can be remarkably intimidating: they're often high stakes and require writers to reflect on and write about their own experiences in ways they may be unused to.

This guide provides information on three types of application writing genres including expectations, common issues, and advice.

Multimodal Genres at S&T

Although writing is often associated with words alone, modern compositions almost always involve multimodal elements, meaning that they include more than just one medium.

This guide covers some common multimodal genres in STEM—posters, slideshows, videos, and speeches—along with some suggestions for how to go about creating them.


Resumes are an extraordinarily important document for students and young professionals: they represent you to recruiters, graduate schools, and hiring mangers. 

As such, resumes deserve careful consideration and review. Use this guide to give you guidance on improvements to your resume.


A summary is a concise and objective abstract or synopsis of a text. It indicates the topic and main point of the text and then presents in condensed form the highlights (of a narrative) or main supporting points (of an argument). 

This brief guide goes over general principles of summary writing and advice for writing one.

Genre Guide PDFs